Limitations, Known Issues and Common Errors

Limitations are similar unpleasant features we accept to deal with and piece of work around, because they are an inheritance office of the solution.

So far, nosotros accept identified the following limitations

  1. Geocoding service daily quota limit - more details on this mail
    1. The add together-on uses the geocode function on Google Apps Script, to catechumen an accost or location into breadth / longitude coordinates for mapping
    2. Yous would get an error message like this "Exception: Service invoked too many times for one day: geocode"
    3. When you lot hit that quota limit, there is not too much yous tin do, other than expect until side by side mean solar day to proceed
    4. The Geocoding service daily quota limit depends on the blazon of Google account y'all are using. A Gmail free consumer business relationship has a smaller quota than a G Suite (formerly Google Apps) paid account.
    5. We oasis't found an official reference on those limits, yet equally some users have reported, the Geocoding limit for a Gmail free business relationship is about 1,000 locations per day, while for a Yard Suite paid business relationship is effectually 10,000 locations per day. Also, consider that for other Apps Script quotas, Google applies the consumer limit to newly created G Suite domains for one or more billing cycles.
    6. In this case, the add-on will end the Geocoding procedure, but get together all the processed locations into a partial map ready for view
    7. Check this post for more details on how to deal with this limitation
  2. Geocoding calls per each BUILD session
    1. A Google script (similar this add-on) has a maximum execution time (currently half dozen minutes)
    2. To avert exceeding that limit the improver would only geocode until getting close to that limit on each BUILD session (when yous click on the BUILD button)
    3. You lot would become a warning message like "Warning: Too many calls in i session"
    4. Every bit information technology says "Delight, click Build over again until your map is complete", unless of course yous striking the "daily quota limit" mentioned in a higher place
    5. In this case, the add-on will stop the Geocoding process, but gather all the processed locations into a partial map gear up for view
  3. Other Geocoding related limitations that might interrupt or affect the BUILD process
    1. Hitting the 2,000,000 cells limit on your spreadsheet - "Exception: This action would increase the number of cells in the workbook to a higher place the limit of 2000000 cells"
    2. No access to the hidden Geocoding sheet in the spreadsheet when adding new coordinates, if you are non the owner - "Exception: You are trying to edit a protected cell or object. Please contact the spreadsheet owner to remove protection if you need to edit"
    3. When Geocoding a location that returns an unknown fault from the Google Geocoding service. It'southward happening for a very few cases and it's already reported to Google - "Exception: We're deplorable, a server fault occurred. Please wait a flake and try over again. (some location here)". In the concurrently, you would demand to avert those alien descriptions or replace them with an actual address.
  4. Errors would happen eventually for some users. This is not an actual limitation, but a statement and a fact
    1. The whole solution including both add-on and web app is Cloud based, dealing with asynchronous server calls to several Api (application plan interface)
    2. Under these premises and weather condition something can go wrong at any given time
    3. The add-on works on a try - catch - log approach, and so nosotros are aware of any catch-able errors through the add-on individual Log
    4. Additionally, every server call - line of code - that might be prone to errors, it'due south wrapped with an exponential backoff function, that does a few retries earlier throwing an error
    5. Most users never get an error and most errors are curt-lived
    6. Encounter more details on errors subsequently on this page

Bug are those limitations or errors that the Mapping add-on or the Mapping web app might have at any given time, but that we can eventually might set up because nosotros are currently working on them

Currently, these are the known bug we are all facing

  1. The Microsoft Cyberspace Explorer (IE) browser is showing the sidebar and the map in a non-workable way
    1. At this moment, we are unable to support IE, for both the add-on and the web app
    2. We are nevertheless trying to fix this issue + Fixed for the Mapping web app, five 3.0
    3. Please, try the Chrome or Edge browser instead for the add-on
  2. Occasionally, you might get a "Alarm: Problem loading the .json information file" when opening your map with the Mapping web app
    1. This might be related to several causes, like no file permission, using multiple Google accounts, malformed data, blocking app, etc
    2. Delight, bank check this postal service for more details on causes and on how to avoid this consequence

Nether common errors, nosotros deal with those happening and not included higher up, under limitations and problems

The Mapping Sheets improver and the Mapping web app are both mostly error-complimentary, notwithstanding errors would happen eventually for some users.

Errors are unintended and unexpected results that in most cases intermission the normal operation of either the add together-on or the web app, temporarily.

Nosotros are sorting these common errors past their occurrence frequency, equally current, often, seldom and rare errors ... plus the 'implausible' errors

We keep an updated error list (if any) at the height of the "Electric current Issues, FAQ and Feedback" page, with those (if any) electric current issues/errors that are withal to be fixed and sometimes are caused by external issues

  1. Exception: We're deplorable, a server error occurred. Please look a bit and try over again
    1. There is no details in the error reported by Google server, then it'due south hard to determine the actual crusade in well-nigh cases
    2. It is generally short-lived and their recommendation accurate
    3. You "wait a flake and try over again", and it's back to normal

  1. Exception: No item with the given ID could be institute, or y'all practise not have permission to admission it
    1. We believe this is a timing issue due to the asynchronous nature of Google Cloud
    2. Information technology might happen when y'all install the addition from the store instead of from inside an existing spreadsheet
    3. In that case it creates a new spreadsheet and if you start using the improver correct abroad, it might not exist aware of the new spreadsheet ID - weird though existent
    4. Information technology commonly goes away immediately, and then it would work fine on a second try
  2. Exception: Service error: Spreadsheets
    1. This is ordinarily a temporary, by and large brusque-lived error coming from Google Spreadsheet service
    2. Just "expect a bit and attempt again", or report it if persisting
  3. Firebase related errors
    1. The add-on uses a private Firebase database to hold the user's installation settings (like email, engagement, locale and beta enrollment)
    2. Occasionally, it might return an mistake like "Error: ", "Internal server error", "An internal fault occurred", "Unexpected error", "Firebase database case is inactive"
    3. They are very seldom and usually go away immediately, so information technology would work fine on a 2d effort

  1. Exception: We're sorry, a server error occurred. Please wait a scrap and try over again (some address)
  2. Refused to execute script because its MIME type ('text/html') is non executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled
  3. Exception: A sheet with the proper name "Geocoding" already exists. Please enter another proper noun
    1. The addition creates a new - hidden by default - sheet with the proper noun "Geocoding" in your spreadsheet, with stock-still headers (addresskey, latitude, longitude, flag)
    2. This sheet will concord all the calculated coordinates (latitude and longitude) for your locations, acting every bit local repository to avoid repeated calls to the Geocoding service
    3. We believe this error happens if yous already accept a sheet named "geocoding" (in lowercase) in your spreadsheet
    4. Please, rename that canvass to avoid this issue
  4. Exception: The characteristic you are attempting to apply has been disabled by your domain ambassador
    1. This is because "3rd-party Google Bulldoze apps" is disabled in your domain and the add-on requires creating the .json data files in your Google Drive
    2. This feature is enable by default
    3. Delight, check this page with your domain administrator, to set this consequence.
  5. Exception: Limit Exceeded: DriveApp
    1. This happens when creating a .json data file in your xsMapping folder and your Storage quota is near its limit
    2. Your Storage quota is shared across Google Drive, Gmail and Google Photos
    3. Try this link to check your storage usage
    4. And review this folio on how to clear Google Drive space and increment your storage
  6. Exception: You are trying to edit a protected cell or object. Delight contact the spreadsheet owner to remove protection if y'all need to edit
    1. This had happened twice, when the improver is adding new found Geocoding coordinates to the Geocoding subconscious sheet in your spreadsheet
    2. We believe it might exist the example of a shared spreadsheet
    3. Please, do equally suggested to fix this outcome
  7. Error: Invalid filter name or header (missing header)
    1. It happened a couple of times
    2. Information technology's caused past irresolute a header proper name in your spreadsheet, that has been previously assigned every bit an additional filter
    3. Just reload the sidebar and reassign the additional filter to a valid header
  8. Exception: This action would increase the number of cells in the workbook above the limit of 2,000,000 cells
    1. This happens for a very big spreadsheet when the addition is adding new found Geocoding coordinates to the Geocoding hidden sheet in your spreadsheet
    2. Nothing you can do nigh, other than reduce the size of your spreadsheet or use some other spreadsheet
  9. Mistake: <html>\n<head><title>502 Bad Gateway
    1. It happened a couple of times
    2. No idea what might cause this error
    3. But information technology should be related to temporary network issue
  10. Exception: Activity not allowed
    1. Information technology affected a few users during the menses of Mar.14-xix, 2017
    2. The Geocoding service call was declining when the ' graphic symbol was part of an address (e.g. 2 rue de l'Ecole de Medecine)
    3. This issue was reported to Google
    4. While the consequence gets actually fixed by Google, we are replacing the the ' grapheme with a space, only to avoid it, so you won't have this problem any more than
  11. Exception: Information storage error
    1. Information technology happened once
    2. A temporary 4-60 minutes glitch in Google Backdrop service Api on Mar.27 2017
  12. Exception: Statement too large: value
    1. It happened once
    2. We believe it was due to a very large header line (size > 9 KB) in the spreadsheet
  13. Exception: Service invoked as well many times for one day: properties become.
    1. It happened once
    2. Non clear on the crusade
  14. Exception: Refused to execute script from ... because its MIME blazon ('text/html') is not executable, and strict MIME type checking is enabled
    1. Not articulate on the cause
  15. Exception: too many http redirects

  1. Exception: Sail not found
    1. It's happened only a few times
    2. When edifice a new map (.json data file) the addition ask for the proper name of the current active information canvas, but the server responds with that 'Sheet not constitute' error

Our preferred browser so far. Nosotros develop only on Chromebooks using the Chrome browser, so it'south ever fully tested for Chrome.

No known specific problems

No known specific bug

There is a rare seldom issue when loading the map producing the error " too many redirects error when loading the map"

No known specific bug

We are unable to support Internet Explorer