what is the fastest way to solve a jigsaw puzzle?

Claudia has been creating content one post at a time for more than 7 years and writes nearly a variety of subjects.

Do you find 500- or 1,000-piece jigsaw puzzles difficult? Here are some tips and tricks to help you out.

Do you lot find 500- or ane,000-piece jigsaw puzzles difficult? Here are some tips and tricks to aid you out.

Have yous ever gotten a tough jigsaw puzzle and been completely stumped? Do you get frustrated when y'all exercise 1?

There are pretty much two types of jigsaw puzzle people. There are people like me, who love them and always have one on the tabular array, and then there are people who actually tin can't stand them, and stay every bit far away from them as they can.

Whichever side you lot come downwards on, sometimes you demand some assistance. In that location always seems to be that i department that you don't think you lot'll ever be able to finish.

I've been doing puzzles for a very long fourth dimension, and the more than challenging one is, the more I like it. Over the years, I have learned all kinds of tricks to become them done.

And so if you are a newbie to difficult puzzles, or you simply can't seem to finish the one yous are working on, hither are some tips to aid y'all out.

Things to Practise When Y'all Start a New Puzzle

It takes a scrap of grooming to exercise a puzzle, specially a difficult one. Certain, yous can just pull pieces out of the box and hope that you find a friction match, merely you will become frustrated pretty quickly.

First and foremost, have a decent-sized workspace that will fit the puzzle you lot are working on.

Once you have that, the steps are fairly unproblematic.

one. Pull Out the Border Pieces


The get-go thing you should do when you become a puzzle is separate out the border pieces and assemble them.

The border is a good starting point because it's not every bit difficult to put together, and it gives you lot a large surface area to build upon.

ii. Turn All Pieces Right Side upwards


Plough over all of the pieces in the puzzle. It'southward non the nearly exciting affair to do, especially when there are i,000 pieces, but it's the only fashion you will be able to meet everything.

3. Split up Pieces by Characteristics


Curl to Keep

By Colour

Most puzzle designs contain different colors. If yours does, then split up the pieces by colour. This ane footstep will help yous more than than you lot can imagine.

There may exist a number of different sections that accept the aforementioned color, and narrowing the pieces down by color makes finishing those sections easier.

Did yous know?

The first jigsaw puzzle was made by mapmaker John Spilsbury in 1767.

— Puzzle Warehouse

By Image

Have a look at the puzzle design. Sometimes information technology'south the paradigm, not the color, that stands out.

Look for pieces that have distinct characteristics on them and separate them. For case, if your puzzle has a grove of copse in it, and so pull out pieces that look like they are copse and set them in one pile.

four. Look for Continuing Patterns


Look for pieces with standing patterns. The puzzle in the photo above had big areas of blackness. Luckily some of the pieces had pocket-sized white lines, and those lines helped me figure out some placement.

Apply those continuing patterns to your reward.

5. Separate Pieces by Shape

Various puzzle piece shapes.

Various puzzle slice shapes.

This is a trick that I use when I am getting close to finishing a puzzle, and am having a tough time.

Most puzzles have diverse shaped pieces. Separate them into similar shapes. For example, bunch all of the ones that take prongs on all 4 sides together.

6. Match Upward Distinctive Joiner Shapes


Information technology tin aid to look at the knobs and holes that join the pieces. They tin can also be called the prongs and slots.

Some take distinctive shapes and they are another skillful clue to putting a puzzle together.

This play a trick on works well at any time, but especially when you are getting close to finishing.

More than Tricks If You Are Ready to Give up

  • Depending on the puzzle design, perspective tin be a skilful way to help you lot figure out where a slice should go. If the design has areas that are nigh and far away, like a stadium crowd, with people sitting up close and far abroad, use that to help you lot out.
  • Step away from the puzzle. Leave information technology overnight or get practise something else for a while. A fresh set of eyes volition aid.
  • Try looking at the puzzle from another angle. Move your chair to the other side of the tabular array. You get a whole new view of it.
  • Make a game of it. Set a timer and see how long information technology takes you to put in a piece. Try to shell the time. Sometimes that added pressure level can help.

Y'all Can Do It

Big puzzles can be actually difficult to do.

Sometimes you lot think that you are never going to terminate, and it can be easy to get frustrated and give upwards. You may non even bother starting 1 because you don't think you tin practice it.

Using these tips and tricks should help you out, and you'll be finished with that tough puzzle before you know it.

Good luck!

This content is authentic and truthful to the best of the writer'south knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized communication from a qualified professional.

© 2019 Claudia Mitchell

Claudia Mitchell (writer) on July 05, 2020:

Maybe ane of the other brown pieces that is already in the department is non correct. I just had something similar happen to me and fifty-fifty though I really thought the piece fit, it didn't. As well perchance footstep away for an hour or and then and try again later on. That always helps me too.

Hazel Creese on July 05, 2020:

I'1000 doing a thousand piece puzzle which has a lot of dark-brown pieces which all look the same. I accept 7 spaces and 7 pieces left but they don't fit in the spaces. I've already taken this section apart once and started again. Is in that location any other way I can piece of work out what'south in the wrong place?

Claudia Mitchell (author) on April 16, 2020:

Glad y'all enjoyed the article.

Evelyn Aspeling on April 12, 2020:

Hello Claudia, i found your tips very helpfull. I have a 500 slice puzzle of flowers which i tried twice got frustrated , as well many colors , so i packed information technology up.I will effort again. Give thanks you

Peggy Woods from Houston, Texas on February 22, 2020:

Those are all good tips. It has been quite some time since I take worked on a jigsaw puzzle.

Claudia Mitchell (author) on April 10, 2019:

Thanks Dianna - I have a friend who does the borders terminal and I just don't empathize how. Oh well, to each his/her own. We chuckled about it when I told her I wrote this commodity.

Dianna Mendez on April 06, 2019:

I remember doing puzzles around the coffee table as a child with my family. It was such a bang-up fashion to spend an evening. Doing the borders starting time is right on!

Claudia Mitchell (author) on March 19, 2019:

Hi Robie - Nice to hear from you! Thanks for reading. Hopefully this commodity helps lots of people practice those tough puzzles.

Claudia Mitchell (writer) on March nineteen, 2019:

Thanks Tessa - I appreciate it. I don't call up you can get wrong with these methods. I just finished one this morning and information technology was down to the black pieces simply, no identifying marks. It took a while.

Claudia Mitchell (writer) on March 19, 2019:

Howdy Poppy - Aye, your mom and grandfather were right (at least in my stance). Thank you for stopping by!

Robie Benve from Ohio on March 15, 2019:

Dandy tips Claudia! My family and I honey complicated jigsaw puzzles and we have used all of the the tricks you listed. We each have our favorite groupings, but the bottom line is they actually work! :)

Tessa Schlesinger on March fifteen, 2019:

I totally loved your article. I dearest jigsaws, and the methods you lot use are the sames one I use. Thanks. Lovely to know that other people as well enjoy puzzling it all out. :)

Poppy from Enoshima, Japan on March fourteen, 2019:

When I was a child, my female parent and grandpa ever got me to start with the corners and outside pieces.


Source: https://hobbylark.com/puzzles/The-Best-Way-to-Do-a-Jigsaw-Puzzle

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