How to Prepare Drawings for Planning Permission

Planning drawings: A guide to architectural plans for council applications

Planning drawings: A guide to architectural plans for council applications

BeforeBricks Marketing Squad

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What are planning drawings?

Planning drawings are a set of architectural drawings required past the local planning authority to to be able to understand and approve the proposal of a new development on a belongings.

They are additional documents that are submitted as role of the planning application and only pay attention to certain specific details and practise non crave details such as structure, joinery detail, insulation, floor construction, roof thickness, etc.

At BeforeBricks, we aid homeowners gain planning permission from councils across England, Wales, and Scotland for their projects.

What types of projects require planning drawings

All the guidelines prepare forth by the authorities that demand to be considered before making a conclusion on whether you need to make drawings for planning permission can be establish on the planning portal.

However, there are rights called Permitted Development Rights that enable you to bear out certain developments on your property without the need for a planning permission.

(blue text to spring to section below on PDR)

Projects that do not fall within Permitted Development Rights demand planning permission and projects that require planning permission need at to the lowest degree some planning drawings. Cartoon requirements vary from projection to project.

Types of projects that crave planning permission drawings

Not all householder projects crave planning consent. Nonetheless, here are some projects and criteria that will hateful you demand drawings for planning permission:

• Building a single-storey extension to a property, when the proposed extension exceeds:

(i) 8m from the original rear wall for detached houses and upwards to 6m for semi-detached and terrace houses

• A proposed extension covering more than 50% of the land around the existing property

• Construction of a new dwelling house house

• Amending of the external appearance of an existing business firm in a conservation surface area

• Converting a house into flats or spliting a house into 2 or more houses

• Changing the functional utilize of a edifice or land

• Changing or replacing boundaries, fences and railings that are:

(i)  more one metre loftier - next to a highway

(ii) more than two metres high elsewhere.

What drawings exercise you need for planning?

Drawings that are required vary depending on the scope and complication of the projection.

Certain drawings such as site location programme and block plans are required for all applications regardless. In addition, there are other mandatory drawings that employ for all councils also as local level requirements which you lot would have to bank check in advance with your ain local authority.

Site location plan

As the name suggests, a Site Location Plan is a drawing that helps u.s. place the location of an architectural project. It helps usa understand the project in relation to its context and is sometimes referred to as a 'Location Plan'.

  • Paper size A4 or A3
  • Calibration i:1250 or i:2500
  • N Signal
  • Plot boundary - Carmine
  • Other state owned by applicant
  • (shut or adjoining site) - Bluish
  • Buildings, roads and footpaths on country bordering the site - for clear identification

Nosotros accept written a more than detail web log post on site location plans.

Block plan (or site plan)

A Block Plan is a zoomed-in version of the site plan showing the proposed development in more particular. It shows the relationship between the property with the plot boundary and firsthand surroundings and is sometimes simply called a 'Site Plan'.

  • Newspaper size A3 or A4
  • Scale 1:100, 1:200 or 1:500
  • N Bespeak
  • Plot boundary - Red
  • Other land endemic by bidder (close or adjoining site) - Blueish
  • Buildings, roads and footpaths on land adjoining the site
  • Plot boundary dimensions
  • Extent and the type of any difficult surfacing. Boundary handling - walls, fencing, etc.
  • Access points and rights of style to site Trees - On site + Adjacent plots Additional built structures (sheds, out-buildings, garden structures)

We have written a brusk guide on how to go a free site or block plan cartoon.

Roof plans

Simply as the name suggests, a roof plan is merely a drawn view of the roof from higher up. Information technology shows the proposal in its immediate context, similar to a block programme but in more detail.

  • Newspaper size A3 or A4
  • Scale 1:50 or 1:100
  • Due north Point
  • Plot purlieus - Blood-red
  • Roofing material equally hatch
  • Ridge lines, chimneys, rooflights, raised parapets and trees

Floor plans

Floor plans clearly evidence the over layout of spaces in the development. Each floor would accept its own separate floor programme.

A planning application requires 2 sets of plans - existing flooring plans with the property drawn equally is and proposed plans showing how it relates to the existing habitation.

Proposed floor plans could indicate the existing master property lines in a different color to conspicuously distinguish proposed changes.

  • Paper size A3 or A4
  • Calibration ane:50 or ane:100
  • North Point
  • Plot purlieus - Scarlet
  • Room labels
  • Changes in floor levels
  • Net surface area of main rooms/spaces
  • Important edifice elements - labelled
  • Relevant dimensions - internal and external


Elevation drawings are used to prove how the project looks before and afterward completion.

They are drawn every bit views from four main faces - forepart, rear, right and left. You don't necessarily need all iv elevations for every planning application. It depends on the position and effect of proposed changes to everything around information technology.

For case - a planning application to change the external windows on the correct side of a property would merely crave a correct elevation as none of the other faces are existence afflicted by this change and so on.

Planning application would require two sets of elevations - existing elevation with the property drawn as is and proposed elevations with new changes and how it related to original dwelling.

  • Newspaper size A3 or A4
  • Scale 1:50 or 1:100
  • Property boundary in red
  • Room labels
  • Changes in flooring levels
  • Relevant dimensions - internal and external
  • Color and type of building finishes (bricks, render, cladding, roof tiles, etc. )
  • Color and type of of import building elements (doors, windows, rooflights, pipes, etc. )
  • For existing buildings, cartoon sheet to contain both existing and proposed elevation to clearly identify proposed changes
  • Testify context where needed - Outline elevations of neighboring buildings in frame of view, trees, etc.


An architectural section is the view of the building when assumed to exist cutting beyond past a vertical plane. It is mainly used to indicate the relationship between different spaces and levels of the edifice.

  • Newspaper size A3 or A4
  • Scale 1:50 or one:100
  • Holding boundary in red
  • Changes both existing and finished levels
  • Finished floor and ridge levels of buildings
  • Fixed and identifiable datum level, commonly Above Ordnance Datum – AOD
  • Relevant dimensions - internal and external
  • Room labels
  • Color and blazon of important building elements (doors, windows, rooflights, pipes, etc. )
  • Color and blazon of building finishes (bricks, return, cladding, roof tiles, etc. )
  • For existing buildings, cartoon sheet to contain both existing and proposed department to clearly identify proposed changes
  • Show context where needed - Outline elevations of neighboring buildings in frame of view, trees, etc.


Details or joinery drawings are highly accurate drawings that are generally required to be submitted for a Planning Application along with Listed Building Consent. These drawings are able to depict the fixtures and fittings in a clear and curtailed way, peculiarly for replacement alterations.

  • Paper size A3 or A4
  • Scale 1:2, 1:five or i:20
  • Central dimensions
  • Materials/components - labelled with specifications (color, measurement, type, etc. )
  • For windows and doors - include wall in which they are mounted to show depth of reveal

Boosted supporting documents for planning applications

Photographs and photomontages - Photographs and photomontages are a great mode to demonstrate the proposal and to understand its relationship with the context. It'southward a quick and effective style to communicate the thought in terms of the project scale and massing. When submitting these, the location of the view and other descriptive details need to be mentioned for clear agreement.

3D Model - 3D models are another effective communication tool used by designers that can assistance the viewer sympathize the exact thought of the proposal. Submitting a 3D model along with the planning drawings in some cases could make information technology easier to get the proposal canonical.

General guidelines that apply for all planning drawings

  • Drawings are to be drawn to an A3 or A4 size for ease of printing when required. Avoid scaling drawings to larger than A1.
  • All drawings submitted with a planning awarding should include a title bar that has a drawing title, cartoon number, date, paper size, drawing scale and should exist in PDF format.
  • In case of revised drawings, the revision number, revised change and appointment need to be marked clearly.
  • Drawings are to be scaled to a standard metric scale and indicated (preferably using a scale bar). Standard accepted scales include 1:50, 1:100, 1:200, 1:500, 1:1250, 1:2500. In instance of joinery detail drawing, you may fifty-fifty utilise scales of ane:5, ane:10 or one:20
  • Wherever possible, try to maintain the same orientation for all drawings
  • All access points, vehicular and pedestrian admission roads, parking spaces and visibility splays (that can take an bear on on neighboring properties) need be shown
  • Proposed changes to an existing belongings need to be marked clearly. Use of color here is encouraged to be able to distinguish between proposed and existing parts of the drawing
  • If at that place are proposed changes in levels, these need to be indicated clearly, wherever possible. In this case, site sections through adjoining backdrop with relevant elevations would be required to clearly bespeak proposed level changes.
  • In the case of a project where the proposed development has a direct impact on a neighbouring property, trees and other prominent elements around the property demand to be shown and dimensioned on the drawings.
  • If there exists an overhanging tree from adjoining property, a tree survey is required to make up one's mind the position, exact measurements and species and need to be clearly shown on drawings.

What format should planning drawings exist in?

  • All documents to be submitted as part of the planning awarding have to be given clear and unique names/numbers. A mutual error to avert is not mentioning whether the drawing is of existing or proposed development.
  • In example of revised drawings, the revision number, revised change and date need to be marked clearly.
  • Drawings for online applications are to be submitted in .pdf format (other accustomed file types are .physician, .jpg, .tif, .txt ). CAD, .gif, .xls and video files are non accepted formats of drawings.
  • The size of each individual file has to be kept below 10 MB. Where unavoidable, documents can be split into smaller files and named clearly every bit Part 1, Role 2 etc.
  • You could too take the extra stride and attach a Schedule of Drawings to your awarding

How are drawings submitted to planning?

The virtually common fashion to submit a planning application is through the online planning portal.

Y'all will need to make full in details based on your project. The portal does a pretty skillful job of prompting you to reply questions that are only relevant to your application. The completed form is then sent direct to your local planning say-so for processing.

The application will mostly consist of the completed forms, necessary drawings, supporting documentation and the correct fee paid. The application will simply be sent to the planning authorisation one time all the requirements have been met.

You can likewise send in your awarding through email to your local authority by making sure you accept all the necessary documents specified by the local quango. You will demand to attach all the filled digital forms and drawings (some planning regime may inquire for more). When required, the payment can be made by BACS transfer. You volition then recieve an acknowledgement within 3-5 working days.

You besides e'er take the pick to submit a hard-re-create of your application. You will need to fill in the printed forms and attach a minimum of 4 copies of all documents, including drawings (some planning authorities may inquire for more).

Y'all can then driblet them off at your local authority or send it through post.

How much does information technology price to submit planning drawings?

The planning application fee is fixed based on the type and complexity of the project. For example, £206 for a basic firm renovation/extension, £462 for new houses, etc. In addition, there is a service charge of £23.33 (+VAT) if y'all submit via the planning portal, which is essentially the quickest and virtually efficient fashion.

Practise I demand to submit physical copies of drawings for planning awarding?

No, only digital. However you can always accept printed versions produced for your personal use as they can sometimes exist easier to read than on a reckoner screen. We offer physical copies to our clients.

How much does it cost for an architect to draw up plans?

If y'all need planning drawings for your application, information technology's best to rent an architect.

An architect'southward fee which includes design + drawings + supervision, would come upwards to roughly 10-15% of the full build cost. Additionally, there are firms that charge a fixed amount, i.e; the fee is generally structured based on factors such equally flooring expanse, number of floors, level of complication, etc. Based on these factors, the drawing fee would lie within the range of £200 to £2000.

Hiring an architect that has experience working with planning drawings and approvals at the earliest stage would besides salve you of the fuss of dealing with such approvals and standards and moreover, ensure a smooth execution of your project from start to finish.

Yous can request a quote for quango permission drawings here.

Can I do my ain drawings for planning?

If you're thinking about getting planning drawings for your planning awarding, you're most probable looking into getting a new development/alteration for your property and probably already have an builder on lath and so it would substantially be a function of your package.

Making diy planning drawings with little or no previous experience could put yous in a greater chance of your planning drawings getting rejected and this may upshot in a longer and more expensive procedure which would further complicate your projection.

All the same, there is no legal requirement to take an builder involved for whatever project, merely that being said, the probability of getting your planning drawings approved would depend more on the complexity of the projection. Yous can definitely draw them yourself using CAD softwares, as long equally the drawings comply with the standards prepare by local government.

What is a planning officeholder looking for on drawings?


Context relates to the understanding of the relationship between the projection and its surround. The officer in charge looks into how your project responds to its environment in terms of architectural character and materials.


Scale relates to the size of the projection in relation to its surrounding congenital structures. The officer in charge looks into how your project relates to its environs in terms of its size.


The officer also looks into whether your proposed development blends in or stands out among its neighboring buildings. This is a major consideration for listed buildings or projects in conservation areas as they are required to maintain a certain level of uniformity in terms of materials and style.

Design and Layout

This relates to the 3D 'shape' of the building and if the internal layout is well designed to make the best utilize of the space.


Each council has set along its own guidelines when it comes to parking regulations. These need to be advisedly considered at an early stage to avoid complications later.

5 virtually mutual reasons why your planning drawings go rejected

There are certain mandatory documents that have to be submitted for an awarding to even be valid, if whatever of these documents or drawings are absent-minded, the processing of your application will exist delayed until you have them all uploaded.

Bated from such delays, there are situations wherein your awarding tin exist rejected as a whole or rejected because of some drawings.

Some of the common reasons why planning drawings get rejected are:

  1. Drawings take not been labelled clearly/correctly. A common mistake is  not mentioning whether the drawing is existing or proposed in the title bar or file proper noun.
  1. When the submitted planning drawings practice non add together up. For example, bi-folding doors are fatigued 1m from the right edge of the rear extension wall on elevation but the same doors appear to be drawn 0.5m from the same wall on the floor plan.
  1. When drawings are not drawn to a standard scale. (For example 1:40, 1:75, 1:150, etc. )
  1. If the carmine line for property boundary is not drawn on i or more than drawings (or drawn incorrectly)
  1. If the drawings do not follow the file requirements stated past the planning portal such as recommended file format, size, etc.

v means to increase the chances of your planning drawings existence approved

  1. Get your planning drawings to demonstrate that you lot take taken into consideration any loss of privacy for neighboring properties that may be caused past your proposal.
  1. Use the 45 caste rule to ensure that at that place is no loss of natural light experienced by neighboring property due to overshadowing past your proposed development
  1. Ensure that your proposal follows the guidelines under the Tree Preservation Guild (TPO).
  1. Ensure that your proposal fits in with the architectural grapheme and materials used on surrounding properties. In addition, consider the minimum standards and outdoor space requirements gear up by your local council beforehand.
  1. Design the layout of your projection in accordance with highway condom regulations and exist sure to not restrict existing admission routes in whatever manner.

Can I build without submitting plans to the council?

Not all extensions crave planning permission.

At that place are certain rights called Permitted Evolution Rights that enable y'all to bear out certain developments on your property without the need for a planning permission.

They are mainly centered around dimensions of the proposal, position relative to existing structures and proximity to boundaries.

These guidelines can get complicated sometimes so you might desire to go a Lawful Development Certificate issued past the planning department to ensure that your proposed development is agreed upon.

This, however, is non a requirement and y'all can skip it if you're certain about your projection.

Whether you require a planning application or not, you almost always demand to get building regulations approval prior to construction, hence, that would involve getting some plans drawn.

What can I build without planning permission?

A few examples of mutual works that you can carry out nether permitted development are listed below -

  • Single and double storey extensions that extend only upwards to 8m from the original rear wall ( for discrete house) and upwardly to 6m for all other house types.
  • Change of function assigned to infinite. For instance, conversion of loft, garage, basement, etc.
  • Interior alterations of infinite such as knocking downwards internal walls
  • Addition of dormer windows
  • Addition of rooflights
  • Building a porch with net area less than 3m2
  • Erecting antenna or installation of  satellite dishes
  • Installation of equipment such as solar panels (non including wind turbines)

However, it is always appropriate to cross check with your local authorization an experienced architect/surveyor on full general guidelines that utilise to your property before you begin. If your proposal falls exterior the scope of permitted evolution, you will need to apply for planning permission.

Departure between planning drawings and building regulations drawings

Planning drawings

Building Regulation Drawings

Planning drawings are a fix of simplified architectural drawings

They are submitted to the local planning potency

Planning drawings are used to empathize and approve the scope of the works of a new development or piece of work done on an existing property.

They only pay attention to certain specific details such every bit overall size, newly proposed materials and external features of the building. Planning drawings practice non require details on construction methods and materials.

A prepare of planning drawings generally include a site program, block program, floor plans, elevations and basic sections through the building.

Building Regulation Drawings are a  set of detailed drawings and construction details

They are submitted to the local building control department

Building Regulation Drawings are used to determine if the proposed evolution is safe and fit to live in for users in and around a new development or piece of work done on an existing property.

They are to exist fatigued at a  much more detailed level than the planning drawings. Details include structural data from the engineer, thermal insulation calculations and proof of full compliance with all relevant parts of the Building Regulations.

A set of edifice regulation drawings would include drawings containing detailed information regarding structural systems, mechanical and electric layouts, sabotage layouts, detail sections at large scales of i:5, 1:x, ane:xx, etc. Information technology likewise generally contains a detailed document with construction method notes and full product specifications which enable the contractor to ultimately build from.


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